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Amanda Sears

The Magic of Cleaning

I never really understood the saying 'cleanliness is next to Godliness' until I began to live a more conscious life and became more mindful of how I lived, what I consumed and what (and who) I allowed in my environment. As my consciousness expanded, my sensory perception heightened and cleanliness in all things became very important - in fact, necessary.

It's not that a clean home brings you closer to God necessarily - but how cleanliness in your external world directly relates to your internal world and how by cleaning up your energy and subsequently your environment (macrocosm and microcosm/inner and outer worlds) you clear out the 'old' energy and create space for the 'new' energy to fill the spaces and elevate you.

With keen observational skills and contrasting experiences I was able to feel how cleanliness in my self, my behaviour, my mind, my body and my environment in both a physical, and energetic perspective felt lighter, freer and more comfortable.

I had more clarity and began to find joy in the way a clean house and less clutter felt; I noticed the taste of food and water from wholesome sources just tasted better, in fact tasted cleaner.

Breathing fresh air in nature felt significantly more life-giving than a stuffy closed in room, and with organised spaces I was able to live more efficiently and with less frustration - things became easier and I no longer wasted so much time on the day-to-day tasks that didn't bring me joy - and then interestingly enough I found that they did start to bring me joy because of how easy they were to do, unlike in the past (eg. putting dishes away or picking up toys).

I am not saying mess is bad, or to encourage obsessive compulsive cleaning - it is about finding balance and harmony in your internal world and seeing it reflected back to you in your external world or vice versa.

Most people who have a cluttered external world such as their home, car, garage, computer, phone, etc. - all physical extensions of the self - have an internal world that reflects this, often as a state of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, overstimulation, fatigue, doubt, shame, fear, etc.

This aligns with the reality of how our external world reflects our internal world - sometimes in ways we don't even realise until we rise out of the shadows, clear out the cobwebs, step back and take a deep breath and view everything with fresh eyes, love and clear feeling.

Something intriguing I've come to learn through personal experience is that microorganisms, insects, animals and bugs are fantastic transmuters of energy! If you don't clean away the old energy - they will come to help (and sometimes it's not all that pleasant)!

In the body this can be seen as viruses, certain bacteria, environmental intolerances and purging (sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, runny nose, pooping, peeing, vomiting, mucus, crying, etc.) - often uncomfortable experiences.

In the physical environment this can be seen as ants, cockroaches, mice, rats, and flies; unfortunately the byproduct of their energy cleaning/processing is poop, wees and sometimes eating things like electrical wires or nesting in roof cavities.

You can actually smell and feel old energy - you will know what I'm talking about - houses that have been closed up for long periods of time or just old + old furniture or clothes, etc.; environments full of stale, stagnant energy often feel stifling and breathing can be hard; the energy can feel heavy and you might not feel tired or uncomfortable there. Your clarity and creativity may be stifled too and you just don't feel like the high-vibe you.

As your consciousness expands, your body upgrades too and so does your sensory perception to everything, including your special senses like Extra Sensory Perception, which some call 'spidey' senses.

The expansion of these senses are designed to help you determine whether your environment or the people around you and the choices that you make are closer to God or further away; they either feel good or not so good and consequently guide you on your path through your discernment.

Feeling is the natural guidance system of the body and we need to have clean internal and external worlds to truly feel.

Instead of numbing ourselves with distraction and medication we need to rebalance our emotions, remove what is holding us down, clear out the clutter weighing us down and come back into harmony with our natural self.

You can actually begin to improve your internal world by improving your external world through the magic of cleaning!

These phrases all have physical, literal meaning but also relate to broader ideas:

  • Clearing out the cobwebs - removing the old webs of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that no longer have spider residents catching bugs but are instead inactive and collecting dust and taking up space

  • Sweeping up the crumbs - moving the old fragmented bits of thoughts, ideas and beliefs discarded on the ground of the mind. Ideas we've chewed through and have already been digested and released

  • Opening the windows - letting fresh, clean air and energy circulate through the space and allowing the old, stale air and energy to go outside and become refreshed. New energy flows in

  • Opening the curtains - letting the light in which not only sanitises the surfaces it touches but shines light into the dark spaces and lets new light radiate inside. It also allows you to see out and expansively

  • Dusting away the dust - removing all the old energy that has settled and been forgotten in the hard to reach places covering the beauty with its layers of old and discarded energy

  • Out with the old - refining what once may have been useful or meaningful and moving it on once it no longer brings the joy it once did to create space for the new to come in

Cleanliness is next to Godliness - not because your space is clean but because your energy is and this brings your closer to your Godself.

You are taking care of your body, you are processing energy and getting rid of old energy and clutter in your energetic field inside your body and in your environment.

Maybe you will never love cleaning as much as I do, but once you begin to do it from a higher perspective and in a more mindful way you will definitely see and feel the benefits that cleanliness can provide - Let's call it 'conscious cleaning'.

Witches ritually clean their spaces with a special broom and open all the doors and windows to let the wind and sunshine help remove the old energy and bring in the new.

I am a pro at shifting energy in internal and external spaces so here is my process and simple tips for cleaning and organising your external world, which will also help to clean and organise your internal world through the conscious act of doing it:

  1. HOME (can also include car): Stage 1

    1. Open the windows and doors and let the fresh air and light in (unless its night time or raining etc. use common sense)

    2. Work through every room of your house, from one end to the other - take your time, don't rush. Sometimes cleaning needs to be slow and gentle

    3. Start by cleaning out any rubbish - be tidy about it (if it can't go straight in a bin, put it in boxes or bags in preparation to take it to the tip/dump). There is no point making unnecessary mess and more work for yourself (human's are good like that)

    4. Next, in each room (one room at a time) pull everything out of the cupboards, corners, shelves and drawers and place it all into the middle of the room or straight into boxes

    5. Clean every empty space (dust, vacuum, wipe) and note anything that needs repair or replacement to review later

    6. Only put back away the things you love, are functional and that you use (check expiry dates, smell things to see if they are clean or off, discard anything broken) *I like to use woven plastic containers and non-woven plastic containers for sorting and organising spaces (I purchase mine from Kmart, The Warehouse and dollar stores - you don't need to spend heaps)

    7. Everything remaining that is not going back moves to 'stage 2' - If you have a garage, you will take everything that is not going back into the rooms now, out into the garage in boxes or bags and neatly store them for 'stage 2 sorting'

    Stage 2

    1. Make 3 signs or designated areas in the garage (or sorting room) titled: DONATE, KEEP, SELL - you can write these on a big piece of paper and stick it to the wall with special wall tape or use chalk to write on the ground, whatever works best

    2. Go through every box the 'Marie Kondo Way' and feel how the items feel - if you love them or they bring you joy or are functional and you may need them in the near future put them in the 'KEEP' pile

    3. If they are in good condition but you don't want them or need them, then use your discernment and sort them between DONATE and SELL - I generally donate handmade items like knitted baby things or things that are useful but wouldn't be worth my time selling

    4. Take the DONATE items to your local op-shop or get them to pick them up if they do that

    5. Take photos of SELL items and get them listed online on platforms such as Facebook Marketplace or Trade Me *the key to selling is: good price, good photos and a good description - if you aren't going to do those 3 key aspects well then don't bother listing the item, just donate it.

    6. Everything you decide to keep can then be cleaned if needed and stored tidily in the garage: my recommendation for garage storage is to use plastic storage containers with lids on them from The Warehouse, Bunnings, Mitre10, etc. (60-80L is a good size, as if they are too big you won't be able to lift them) + garage shelving such as this one from Mitre10 (we have 3 of them)

    7. You can do this whole process once a year (Spring is a good time) and to make it easy try to keep on top of things daily, weekly and monthly, eg. clean your house once a week (vacuum, dust, bathroom, toilet, washing) and do a deep clean once a month (like taking the end off the vacuum and getting into all the nooks and crannies).

    8. Review your 'maintenance' or 'repair' list and when you can and get those things sorted.

    *Remember to also clean your garden and yard too, and get help if you need it.

  2. DEVICES (computer, phone, etc.):

    1. Look through your devices and see what is hiding in there

    2. Close open tabs on your device and in your web browser

    3. Empty your recycle bin, clear your cache and maybe even defrag (DO NOT FORMAT - this deletes EVERYTHING)

    4. Organise your files into folders with appropriate names

    5. Refine each folder with what you want, need and don't need or want

    6. Delete what you don't need or want and empty your recycle bin

    7. Organise the files in your folders - for photos I do them by year, then month or special occassions - for files I use key folder names and sub-folders

    8. If your device is running slow - run it through device care, check your memory and storage capacity isn't too full (if it is then you may need to move files onto an external drive) or take it in for a service

  3. TIPS

    1. Utilize your spaces as best you can, which may seem unconventional in some instances eg. pantry items may also work better in deep drawers and plates and pots better in the pantry. (Our pantry shelves are high and deep so we use containers for our pantry items so I can reach them).

    2. Use dividers and containers in drawers, cupboards and fridges and stackable storage boxes or containers when shelving isn't an option (like in a wardrobe)

    3. Reduce clutter in all areas like window sills, benchtops, shelves and walls and display key pieces - reducing clutter also reduces the amount of things to dust

    4. Label all of your storage boxes and containers and when you go through them, keep them tidy (review these at least once a year)

    5. Keep things off the floor wherever possible, get a shoerack for shoes and handbags, wall hooks for hat and coats, etc. and put everything back in it's place when you are finished

    6. Leave spaces empty - you don't need to fill all the spaces - empty or 'negative space' enhances the items around them like the space between musical notes

    7. Bring life into sterile or dark spaces with real or quality artificial plants, or artwork of nature and use light to brighten dull spaces (like natural sunlight and smart bulbs)

    8. If possible, 'reset' the house at the end of each day so it is clean and tidy when you wake in the morning, which will help you begin the day with a fresh start, ready for play

    9. Re: decor - start with neutral foundations (including curtains) and build it up to your liking - there are many options from minimalist neutral tones, to vibrant maximalist styling - the key is to find a way to combine your items and decor in a harmonious way that expresses you, rather than being overstimulating *I've included some picture examples below

Cleanliness isn't something only reserved for the rich or people with lots of time on their hands - everyone can experience cleanliness and through the Magic of Cleaning can improve their inner and outer worlds.

There is a reason this saying exists: 'cleanliness is next to Godliness' and soon you'll be able to experience that reason firsthand when you begin to take back your personal power and responsibility for your inner and outer worlds and clean up your energy.

Your choice to process energy in this way will be visible to others and inspire them to do the same.

If anyone thinks cleanliness is overrated or not worth doing, they are the ones who will benefit from it, but at the same time, many people are not ready to tidy up their worlds, and there is no judgement if the timing is not yet aligned for them - but if you are reading this, then it means the timing has aligned with YOU.

Hopefully this article has inspired you and soon you will be feeling like a new person (because you will be) and you are enjoying being in your spaces a lot more and feeling more ease and joy in your life.

Examples of Decor & Display:

Examples of our home storage solutions:

(Image information and links below)

Thanks for reading!

Amanda Sears

The Inspired Guide


If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy learning more about consciousness and energy in my free guidebook > Welcome to the Party: A Guidebook for the Newly Awakened < which you can download free HERE or read as a blog post HERE.


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