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Amanda Sears

Welcome to the Party - Guidebook for the Newly Awakened

So you've 'woken up', 'found god' and begun your search for the meaning of life. You are questioning what it's all about and in your heart you know there is more... but what and where?

This is a guidebook for the newly awakened as an introduction to the 4D realm and some ideas on how to navigate it as you transform and ascend to the 5D.

Woman in party hat celebrating awakening

Welcome to the beginning of your new life... You are not what you once were, and not yet who you will become - you are brand new and it just gets better from here!

You may feel alone in traversing this new and unknown world but many have come before you who have paved the way in preparation for your arrival. You have a team of non-physical beings always by your side, ready to help when you ask (and you must ask if you want their help because this is a free will planet). You will also have people and information available as and when it is needed to guide you to the next step - trust the timing and be open to receive.

Guidance comes in many forms... via a person in passing or a sudden awareness; it can come via a book, song, movie or meme - you are drawing it to you to enhance your experience so use it - it is all happening FOR you.

This journey of awakening to the truth of who you are is not a race and you cannot rush it. We all get there in our own perfect and divine timing, by one-step-at-a-time - although sometimes that step is a quantum leap or a timeline jump.

There is no need for worry or doubt at any point on this path, because by making the choice to awaken you have crossed a threshold that pulls you forwards to the inevitable experience of embodied ascension - there is no going back. If you do deviate off the most direct course you will be redirected back to it - this may happen over and over again and can be as simple as a traffic redirection, a synchronicity, a divinely timed experience or as drastic as a car crash, broken bone or illness.


3D - Polarity & Separation - Where you were

This is where there is good and bad, this and that, you vs them, etc. People are unconscious of their behaviours, are separate from God and generally struggle and give their power away. This is like a prison or a hell once you go beyond it and look back BUT it has served a grand purpose and been the catalyst for elevating consciousness. This realm has offered many opportunities that are not available from higher dimensions. It is very dense and takes a lot of effort to create and there is a significant time lag in manifestation; in times gone by rituals and special tools were needed to tune into higher dimensional frequencies. Of course there are still people in this realm who live in peace and harmony and they are the ones who help to anchor higher vibrational timelines and inspire awakening - like Jesus and Mary and the many other 'everyday angels'.

4D - Transformation & Expansion - Where you are

This is where you can begin to tune into the realm of 5D in your day to day life and begin to glimpse true Heaven on Earth. You release all lower vibrational energies that are holding you back from ascending into 5D. Your energy field and sensory abilities begin to expand and your connection to your divine self opens as you begin to receive more of your Godself. You heal yourself across all realities and timelines and your aspects return home - you call your power back and in a way, come back online. You practice mindfulness, conscious creation and other higher consciousness behaviours in preparation for ascension to 5D. Most people get stuck here exploring healing modalities and conspiracy theories because they are so juicy and fun - but also very addictive.

5D - Unity & Love - Where you are going

Once you have cleared all the lower vibrational energies and your body can hold more light, it evolves from a carbon-based structure into a crystalline light body that can hold much more energy. You naturally ascend into higher states of consciousness. There is only love - none of the lower vibrational energies can exist here, so there is peace and harmony. There is also almost instant manifestation and creation. You remember more of who you truly are and become like the Gods of mythology in your body (radiant, long lives, strong, glowing). There is no separation and you expand into a unified field of consciousness where you are still an individual spark of God but also one with everything. 5D is Heaven on Earth - it is real and available to all who seek it.

As you transcend the dimensions you can fluctuate between 3rd and 4th for a bit, then 4th and 5th for a bit before fully ascending to the next level which is perfectly normal and becomes more obvious over time.


There is nothing to fear but it is useful to be aware of the games being played in 3D and 4D: The 3D world will dangle tasty treats to lure you back in and doubt and fear will pull you back down; The 4D world will entice you with saucy secrets and show you grand possibilities that are still just limited human visions - Do not entangle with anything that doesn't lift you up, makes your heart sing and fills you with joy - hold your vision of 5D Heaven on Earth and allow everything else to fall away as it is just residual energy of an illusion that no longer has any power over you - acknowledge what comes up, love it and let it go.

Distraction in the realm of 4D is easy to come by and like a moth to a flame it can be hard to resist when you are only just awakening to all that is possible and all that you truly are. Everything is new and shiny, and as humans, we are curious creatures... I personally enjoy watching everything play out and engaging with it every so often from an observational point of view, but not entangling or attaching to it - it's much more fun this way.

The realm of 4D transformation is FUN - there is so much to remember about yourself and to learn about the universe, creation, aliens, and all sorts - in fact it's a little like a paradox.


You can heal, transcend and expand in many ways and there's lots of modalities to explore but ultimately it's all the same just with different tools and faces - you are the one healing yourself anyway, no matter what route you choose - healers facilitate the healing of yourself when you agree to be healed.

You don't need to get stuck in a stage of 'constantly healing' - just know you are already healed and allow it to be that way then trust the unfolding of it, however it looks - sometimes this means working with a healer or a doctor, temporarily changing your diet or using special 'tools'... however it unfolds, it is perfect because you are already healed and this is the journey to that point - trust the awareness that comes and take the inspired action when it presents itself.

It's fun to explore what's available for 'healing' and use crystals, play with pendulums, try out diets, take special drugs, visit remote destinations, have energy healing, explore the akashic records, have your aura read and your chakras tuned - but ultimately you don't actually need to do much at all to expand your consciousness, it's the natural evolution of you.

It is however, important to allow the transformation to happen by creating space for it.

Spoken from personal experience, daily mindfulness practices definitely make the adjustments easier (which I didn't know until recently) because the shifts, upgrades and healings are happening whether you slow down and make space for them to occur or not, and they are definitely easier on your life and body if you consciously create the space.

You can use healers to facilitate these shifts or you can just be in a state of intentional 'open-allowing' as you go about your day or set aside time each day to come into this state by doing things like meditation, painting, yoga, prayer, stillness or even having a quiet walk and just consciously breathe it all through. These gentle practices help to open the connection to your 'Godself' and move energy through using the breath; by doing this you are able to release 'old' energy, bring in 'new' energy and receive any upgrades, healing and guidance as you are ready for them.

I'm not great at creating regular quiet time in stillness but I do understand the importance of it, so instead I come into an intentional and open-allowing space through prayer, guided meditation, and reading and/or listening to channeled messages where I can be actively and consciously involved in the expansion of myself - this may be something you are also drawn to and this is where it is important to use your discernment because there are lots of options in 4D but only some that will be appropriate for your upleveling.

In my journey of the 4D realm I have read many books, explored many healing modalities, watched heaps of documentaries, published a conscious living magazine and listened to many channels of many different beings - over the years these have all been perfectly aligned for me - just popping up in various ways and feeling good. Some of them come and go and are quickly forgotten, while others are more constant. I always approach everything that is on offer to me from a place of discernment (what feels good or not good) - I listen to what resonates with me and leave the rest without judgement.

We all walk a unique path, even though we all reach the same destination.

We each have roles to play on Earth and this means our paths are unique and intrinsically linked to the paths of others where we can co-create a pre-destined experience with them, so do not judge your path and where it takes you - I have touched many lives when God (my Godself) has directed me to certain people and places and I often receive clarity or validation from books I'm guided to read - I just try to be super concise with it and stopped 'seeking' it out years ago and just allow it to come to me or come across it by following God's guidance.

The key is to keep expanding rather than getting caught up at one stage of the ascension process for longer than needed... which is where most people get stuck.


In 4D (just like 3D) there are many guides, healers and teachers because there are many different people to guide and many different pathways to take on 'The Way' (the ascension from 3D to 5D), however there is only one true 'Way' to get from 3D to 5D and that is to release all the old in what may seem like a death without dying, and be resurrected in the new from a foundation of love.

Teachers or guides bring awareness to unhealed aspects and help you release and transmute lower vibrational energetic imbalances and attachments, and help you expand your consciousness into the 5D... BUT... there are also lots of distractions and 'snakes' like in the Garden of Eden that will attempt to pull you back down to 3D in doubt and fear, or keep you trapped in a perpetual state of seeking and transformation in the 4D.

Jesus warns us that we must be on guard for those who will mislead us through their teachings and that we will know them by their fruit (their choices and actions in their day to day lives). "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruit, you will recognize them" (Matthew 7:16). This is especially important for the newly awakened because you will still be learning about discernment (if it feels good or not good), intuition and tuning into your feelings to guide you.

One of my favourite things Jesus said was "Get Behind Me Satan!" - I love it because it is so outrageous and makes me laugh but it is also a great way to stop yourself from getting caught up in the attractive web of misdirection, illusion and fear that people around you might try to tempt you into - tell Satan to get behind you and keep rising, and have a chuckle at the ridiculousness of it.

Generally 'high-vibe' teachers don't tell you what you should or should not do (because you are a powerful creator and you no longer give your power over to anyone or anything), but they may make suggestions or bring through information that is helpful in navigating this new world until you can access your own internal guidance more clearly. This is where 'discernment' is important - basically: does it feel good or not so good - it's that easy. Often authentic teachers are just your 'higher self or Godself' speaking to your 'now self' through the mouth of the teacher - so be open to learn new ways but always use your discernment - keep it simple.

High-vibe guides and teachers empower and inspire you to empower and inspire yourself. They encourage self-discovery and present open ideas that allow you to expand on them in your own way. They teach from trust and faith; love and expansion. High-vibe guides and teachers are authentic and real; you can feel their radiant energy and they usually have firsthand and personal experience with what they are teaching. They speak the truth and live what they preach. If they offer you glimpses of a future, it is glorious and amazing.

Low-vibe guides and teachers try to limit and control you and ask you to give your power to them. They try to control and define the journey through human ideas and project their own fears and lack and limitation into their teachings under the guise of Spirituality or God. They teach from doubt and lack; fear and contraction. Low-vibe guides and teachers have a muddy type of energy to them and they teach from ideas they have learned from other low-vibe teachers. They live in fear and struggle to fully embody their teachings because they are out of alignment. If they offer you glimpses of a future, it may be daunting or scary.

High-vibe teachers and guides who's role it is to be 4D Workers (here to help people in 4D) and 5D Bridges (here to help people in the 4D ascend to 5D) know that we are unlimited Gods who cannot be defined or limited by the human mind and will not teach us to be limited in any way. They are here to expand and in doing so, help others expand and rise into their highest and grandest versions of themselves too.

May you be blessed with the greatest high-vibe guides and teachers on your journey of embodied ascension (the unification of the human and divine).


  • Always use discernment.

  • You are a child of God, therefore you are God also.

  • You are safe, supported and loved always.

  • Love is expansive and heals all. It is the key to elevating your consciousness.

  • In all you do, do it with love - business, life, relationships, eating, shopping, etc. and see how things change for you.

  • It is fun to explore modalities and spiritual ideas in 4D, but there comes a point where you no longer need them and you rise above them.

  • Follow your heart's guidance, it has a direct connection to your god/divine self and will lead the way - have trust and faith

  • Allow the old to fall away and the new to come in, using conscious breath can help with this: breathe in life, breathe out all that no longer serves, repeat - every day.

  • All is well in all of creation.


It is easier to raise your vibration now than ever before, but there will still be times where you need to meet the darkness within - the unloved parts of you, the unhealed and forgotten aspects that long to come home to you.

Sometimes this can be scary or uncomfortable; you can be tired or have small periods of physical purging. In these moments it is easy to default back to old 3D ideas of trying to fix it, but those ideas cannot help you here... the only way through is to feel it all. So get yourself as comfortable as possible, get ready to feel it all and allow it all to flow through you (stay in bed, take pain relief, etc. do whatever you need to do to be as comfortable as possible).

This too shall pass - and it will pass easier and faster if you stay out of fear and resistance and allow it to flow through you. (Fear creates contraction and blocks the flow).

Some tools I've used for this important and inevitable process is the practice of 'radical acceptance' from A Course in Miracles as well as breathwork, allowing and grounding. From personal experience if you don't welcome in the pain, fear, guilt, shame, grief, suffering or anger with open arms and a loving embrace, it will keep returning until you do.

The key is to acknowledge it, accept it and love it like a lost child - this transmutes and neutralises the energy - if more comes up and it feels like the same old experience, it's not, it's another layer releasing and transmuting.

Always take it easy and have compassion for yourself... ascending can be hard work but you were born for it.

Rest, drink plenty of water, eat foods that make you feel good and just keep your vibe high as much as possible by surrounding yourself with what brings you joy (this helps to keep your energy pathways open): listen to high vibe channeled messages from people like Sara Landon or Lee Harris, read uplifting books, pray or meditate, interact with nature, watch uplifting movies and allow it all to flow through you with as little resistance as possible and it will pass with more ease and much quicker than if you go into fear about it and attach to it with 3D ideas and beliefs.

As you release old energy and your body upgrades, tiredness is a common symptom and so is weight fluctuations. Just listen to your body - it is an important opportunity for you to reconnect with all aspects of yourself and listen to what they need from you - ALL of God's Creations are GOOD and your body knows what it needs, you just need to remember how to listen to it and stay out of judgement and fear - everything is new here.


  • You are worthy of the best of everything - and the best of everything is here for you.

  • You create your world with your thoughts, words and actions - so choose wisely.

  • Love yourself above all else - nothing else is higher than you.

  • It all comes naturally - there is no effort required.

  • Take is easy on yourself - nothing else matters now, just your ascension.

  • It's all new from here on - have fun getting to know the 'new' you.

  • There is nothing to fix - because nothing is broken.

Welcome to the party - have fun - explore with your new eyes, new ideas, new body - it's all new here, and the party is just getting started!

Thanks for Reading!

Amanda Sears

The Inspired Guide


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