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Connect & Communicate Consciously in Your Business

Amanda Sears

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Business is meant to be fun. It is not separate from life itself but an intricate part of the tapestry. Humans are more sensitive to energy then ever before and businesses need to align with that if they are want to be 'successful'. In this article we look at ways to approach business from a more conscious way and offer practical suggestions on how to work with energy as the main underlying current in your life and business - using the radiance of this to attract and align you with the perfect customers while focusing on happiness being the ultimate parameter of success.

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God in a business suit painting creation on a screen


Communication happens on multiple levels. From feeling energy with our extra sensory perception to our regular senses: smelling, tasting, touching, hearing, seeing, etc., to speaking with our words and body, and using digital services to communicate for us.

This means that when it comes to consciously communicating and connecting in business we need to be aware of all the 'touchpoints' that connect us to others and how they work on these expansive levels as well as our own energy and essence that is infused into all aspects of our business.

We all know that intuitive 'gut' feeling when something just doesn't feel right with a business or have experienced communication with businesses that alerts us to something we don't like, so we don't shop there and we usually tell other people not to too. These are the experiences that business owners/operators need to be aware of so they can utilise this 'power of awareness' to smooth out the rough edges, and enhance and elevate the operations of the business to improve overall happiness + success and as a result profitability.

Speaking to Sina from Yummy.Spot the other day (a new local cafe) we discussed the way your energy is infused in everything you do when you have a business and he accurately noted that in a food business like his "you can't include energy in the ingredients on the label" - so true! But you can certainly feel it when you consume it!

It's important to understand that the times are changing and have changed - people are becoming more switched on and sensitive to the energetic aspects of life (including business) as their own senses become heightened. This means as a business owner, it is your responsibility (and prerogative) to elevate your practices to meet this new and evolved human. You do this by using your own energy as a marker or measurement: eg. if you are happy and feel good doing your business then it will radiate out into everything you touch and create, this in turn will attract people who are aligned with your beautiful radiant energy and this will fuel you and your business, elevating you higher and expanding your energy outwards to reach even more people.

A good example of this is the way new businesses seem to almost 'magically' appear when you go through a personal shift in elevation - something we experience regularly, such as when we moved to a new house and then found a whole heap of beautiful food places scattered around the countryside that previously to us were invisible! Once our energy aligned with them, we were able to see them and connect with them (and enjoy their delicious food!)

Here are some practical ways to review and refine the energy of your business:

Start by tuning into yourself and your energy in relation to your business. Prompt some conscious responses by asking yourself questions and tuning into how the answers feel:

  • Am I happy?

  • Does it feel good still?

  • Would I be happier if...?

  • If I did this... how would it feel?

If the answer to the first question is 'no' then you need to work through that before anything else... how can you feel more joy and happiness in your business? Your business is an expression of YOUR energy, which means how it feels comes directly from how you feel - so how can you feel better overall and how can you translate this into your business?

Once you've answered those questions and addressed any areas that can be improved then you can look into specific practices and processes within the business - these will be unique to your business so you can list them yourself.

The the next step is to look at the energy of how your business connects and communicates within itself and with customers (a specialty o mine).

Practical elements to look at include (but are not limited to):

  • Easy to Find: Can people find you if they are looking for what you have to offer, and if they find you can they communicate with you easily? Ease is massive these days because people are so busy and there are usually multiple options for most businesses. (Generally your energy will speak louder than any marketing BUT you do still have to be easy to find and connect with on a physical level too).

  • Aligned Expression: This is how you express and present yourself and your business out into the world. The way it looks and feels and how that feels for you and how it aligns with your unique business. Think about marketing and how that looks and feels too: graphics, logo, branding, photos, visuals, etc. How you express yourself includes how you talk about yourself and the stories you tell; the harmony and balance of everything, eg. the consistency of your image and energetic expression across all platforms.

  • Digital Presence: How do you express yourself on the world wide web - something that almost everyone in the world is tapped into almost daily. What is your relationship like with it? (If there is fear here, it will be infused in all you do online and attract experiences to reflect that). What social pages do you use or need to learn how to use? Do you have a website and is it up to date and mobile friendly? What's your digital communication and connection rating right now out of 10? Where can you improve and bring it into alignment with your vision and energy? FYI: It's good for most businesses to have some type of digital base these days and Facebook and Instagram are great starting points that offer different ways of expression + you'll need an email address and maybe a phone number (depending on your business as online chat and email may be the best) and in my opinion it is helpful for serious businesses to build a digital presence that includes a basic website at the minimum - I suggest Wix or Squarespace for DIY). A digital presence has multiple 'touchpoints' across the internet that get collected into search results and found easier. *You never know how someone will find you, so it's best to just make yourself findable as best you can, online and in person.

A higher perspective on trust and faith in business:

Contemplating life and business recently as I begin to step back into that realm, I received the awareness that God (your higher/God self) will 'take care of the rest' if you just focus on meeting 'Him' halfway. Meaning that if you do the 'work' on yourself by elevating your internal world by healing and then reflect this elevated version of yourself authentically outwards in a way that feels good - then God will align everything else for you. You just have to be open to receive (this actually also relates to life in general 😉)

This is how you operate a business from a conscious way.

Business is not separate of you and nor is it a separate part of life. Work (whether for yourself or someone else) is part of the intricate tapestry of life, not secondary to it or outside of it, so it is important that all areas in this beautiful life bring joy and fill you up, not just pay the bills... If you meet God halfway, He will take care of those to (if that is for your highest and best good).

A small disclaimer here: maybe you have done the inner work and are expressing yourself authentically and still not having what you would deem 'success' within your business, this could be for a few reasons:

  1. Change: This business or the way you are doing it is no longer in alignment with what you are meant to be doing. Look at adjusting things such as: maybe less hours or even a new business, or maybe you need to stop altogether for a while or completely. Trust your intuition - it speaks for your soul.

  2. Beliefs: There are still unconscious beliefs around what and how you should be doing business. Often our families or society place a lot of pressure and importance on certain parameters of 'success' they deem more valuable than others, eg. money. (If money is your sole focus then you will be learning lessons on how to have a healthy relationship with the energy of money - which is your 'soul' focus). When you are ready, the only parameters for success that matter are: Are you happy and are you doing what makes you happy, and are the people you are doing it for happy with how you are doing it for them? 'Happiness' is the greatest measurement of success.

  3. Redirect: It is time to change direction, God has other plans for your gifts or maybe even wants to add to them by encouraging you to explore other avenues. I often wondered why I jumped from job to job over the years and it was because I learned what I needed at each job while I was there for however long I was there for and needed to gain a bunch of skills for what God had planned for my future so I had to move through lots of fields quite rapidly... EVERYTHING I've ever done or learned has been a valuable asset in my life and I have learned not to question God's plan - it's paid off more than I could've even dreamed and shifted my life into a place that I could never envision but feel absolutely blessed to be in.

Remember, God knows the Master plan - you just have to listen and allow it to unfold + take the inspired action when opportunities that feel aligned come along.

Business is meant to be fun - it is an expression of your soul and your unique gifts.

A job is meant to be joyful - what a blessing to be able to earn money, support someone else's business dreams and provide products or services to people who need them while meeting lots of different people and impacting the whole world just by being part of the supply chain! If you are the golden light in that supply chain, you will radiate that light out to everything it touches all around the world!

Life is meant to be full of rich and wonderful experiences - the good, the bad, the ugly are all rich experiences for us to learn more about ourselves and to evolve and grow from - not attach or anchor to. It's the bad experiences that make us desire for change and create it in our lives and the world around us. It's the good experiences that fill us up with joy, show us what we want more of and teach us what alignment feels like.

Let's do business more consciously and show others what is possible!

Thanks for reading.

Amanda Sears

The Inspired Guide


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