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Amanda Sears

This is How YOU Change the World

If we didn't question our reality we would continually perpetuate old ideas, beliefs and behaviours and we would not advance as a species or improve our lives. By developing our superpower of awareness we are able to bring light (awareness) to unconscious behaviours rooted in old ideas and beliefs, and make difference choices - this is how YOU change the world.

Smiling woman in a colorful portrait, surrounded by joyful faces against a vibrant rainbow-hued background, wearing golden jewelry.

Most of the world has been asleep in a dream for a very long time. A dream that keeps them small, keeps them submissive and keeps them unaware of who they truly are. These beautiful and powerful sleeping Gods perpetuate old ideas and behaviours because that's how they've been taught and their parents and teachers before them; it's almost impossible to raise your vibration and change course when you are constantly just trying to keep your head above water.

We are designed to thrive - not just survive! It is time to wake up from the dream of unconscious ideas and behaviours and to start using our superpower of awareness!

As Jesus surrendered his mortal body to death on the cross he called out "forgive them for they know not what they do" - because they truly didn't know any better - they were asleep - and this is true throughout all generations that perpetuate unconscious cycles of lower vibrational behaviours - but we know better, so we can be better and be leading examples to those around us and the generations that follow.

The key is to create space in your life where you can come out of 'survival mode', disconnect from unconscious dramas, attachments and distractions, and begin to come back into a type of 'grounded peace' where you have time and space to question everything with curiosity and non-judgement.

  • Why am I doing this?

  • Why did I do that?

  • Do I like that?

  • How did I get here?

  • Why is that person doing that?

In truth, whilst it will inevitably change your world, you are actually just getting to know yourself again, or even for the first time since you were a child.

This awareness and curiosity is not about questioning things to judge them but about questioning things to learn more about yourself and your world, and to either understand why you're doing what you are doing and/or to find new ways of doing it that feel more aligned and as a consequence, improve your life.

It's important and valuable to our species that everyone is allowed to access their own uniqueness and given the freedom to express it freely, as we all play important roles on this planet and bring unique gifts to the world that work in unison with each other as a global community - we are not meant to all be the same.

Questioning comes naturally to me, so I thought it was 'normal' but as I got older I noticed most people barely question anything, whereas I've questioned everything forever!

I was one of those 'annoying' children that ask questions all the time. I had very patient parents who tried their best to answer my questions and they even bought a set of Britannica Encyclopedias to help (If you know, you know)... My thirst for knowledge has never really been quenched and it became obvious to me as a child that busy, tired adults get frustrated constantly answering questions, so I shifted my focus.

Once I could read I began seeking my answers in books; when I could work, I found answers in my jobs and then when the internet came along - well... I found more answers there! As my mind expanded, so too did the platforms, resources and people where I could get answers from. As I became more independent, I learned for myself what worked and what didn't for me, and even now I'll still ask professional service people to show me what they are doing when they come to fix things at my house.

I LOVE learning - but awareness is more than that - It's observing, experiencing, learning, collecting the data and integrating it into daily life, constantly and can include all your senses.

There are still some things you can't really know until you experience it - parenting is one of those things that no matter how many people you ask or how many books you read, you can only know it once you experience it - BUT, there are many other things that people have experienced or learned so you don't have to and you can gain insight through them! We truly live in an amazing world!

Most people become complacent as adults, often thinking they don't need to continue learning and just stick with what they've been taught by age 18/20 and only learn if they really have to, but somewhere along the line someone has to seek change, because that's how innovation happens, that's how evolution happens, and that's how we change the world.

In the new world there is no place for unconsciousness in any way because there is only consciousness.

Unconscious 'programming' is caused by unconscious behaviour, which is usually a learned behaviour or one passed from generation to generation which is reinforced through repetition - a repeating pattern that then becomes the default response or behaviour where conscious thought is not needed to approve it - it just happens without thought.

There are many examples of this in life that I'm sure if you stopped and thought about you would notice, things like: what you eat for breakfast, how often you wash your towels, your daily routine, how you raise your kids, where you go on holiday, etc. They aren't inherently 'bad' necessarily but they may be so outdated that they are holding you back from greater ease or more joy or a grander experience.

Allowing these repeating patterns to exist often stems from being too busy, tired, scared, etc. to look at things too closely in case you reveal something you don't like and have to face it (to which most people don't know how to).

We have been taught to give our power away to people in positions of authority or leadership and allow them to dictate our lives, and even when we try to take some power back, we are too exhausted to do anything with it - often it seems easier to let other people make all the choices so we don't need to do anything or take self-responsibility - but THAT, is the TRAP!

It seems 'easy' in the short-term, but in the 'long-term' it just perpetuates a type of hell or prison on Earth that will only get smaller and smaller.

This is why you have to first awaken - then make the conscious choice for change and stay focused, stay out of fear, and have trust and faith. This part can take a bit of work and 'positive reinforcement' as you rewire your 'programming' and download new 'software', so to speak. It's probably the most important 'work' you will undertake in this life and the 'success' of it will be more fulfilling then anything a job or degree could ever give you.


  • Distraction: There is so much to be distracted by in our modern world, not just entertainment, jobs, games and social media but also firm beliefs and ideas too. Anything that takes us away from our self-empowerment and self-awareness is a distraction but it's important to note that distractions can be unhelpful or helpful and to stay aware and use your discernment when you engage with them.

  • Fear: When we live in fear we contract away from the expansive possibilities the universe wants to show us and default to pre-programmed unconscious ways of doing things that feel safe and easy because we've always done them that way. Fear causes anxiety which also creates a false reality that keeps us small and suppressed. Fear is the illusion.

  • Judgement: By judging ideas and behaviours as right or wrong we limit our opportunities to learn new ideas and ways of doing things because we are immediately unreceptive to other people's ways of doing things or even to changing the way we do things. If we can approach new ideas without judgement we open up possibilities to try new things and do things differently.

  • Blame: Blaming other people for your experiences gives your power away to them and says to yourself that you are powerless to your circumstances and experiences, and sometimes just feels easier, but self-responsibility will create self-empowerment where you can consciously choose your reality and how you want it to be and it feels great to be empowered and watch your world change for the better around you.

  • Tiredness: When we are constantly exhausted, depleted, sleep-deprived or busy, etc, tiredness lulls us into a sense of disempowerment and limitation (I know this all too well). We are too tired to live fully, make conscious choices and create change in our world - We are in survival mode just to get through the day which makes us even more tired because of how it taxes the body - it is a never-ending loop. This is why when you break the cycle, like when people go away on holiday, they generally feel better overall and often have revelations... then they come back to the 'real world' and succumb to their default survival mode (which is not actually the 'real world' but the artificial one we are programmed to believe is real). Break free from perpetual tiredness!


  • Self-Love: In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus says: "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself". By doing these two great things you change the world, because you cannot love yourself and treat others without love - it is impossible to look upon your own face with love and to gaze upon another's' in hatred. "Love begets more love" meaning that when you show love to someone, it naturally inspires them to love you back, essentially creating a cycle where giving love leads to receiving love in return.

  • Awareness: Truly the greatest superpower and tool for transformation; enhanced exponentially when it is combined with non-judgement and unconditional love. When you begin to wake up from the dream of illusion and start to come back to yourself - awareness is what will shape your choices and in turn, your choices will shape everything. When you awaken, it really is like coming out of a dream and beginning to ask those important questions that will lead you back to You.

  • Questioning: Question EVERYTHING - why you ate that, why you wore that, do you still like that person or your job, is that the best way to do it, why am I using that product, why do I live here, etc. QUESTION EVERYTHING. I had shaved my legs for about 23 years and then one day realised I hadn't even questioned if I still wanted to, so I stopped for a year or 2 - I found out I still loved myself even if my legs were hairy, but in Summer I like smooth legs.

  • Curiosity: Be curious about yourself and your world! We are such fascinating lifeforms and what we come up with on Earth is incredible! From the scary, to the seemingly impossible. Humans, nature and Earth are the most interesting of all things to explore and most of us barely even notice a bird singing or a sunset these days - Imagine what you would reveal to yourself about yourself and your world if you got more curious about it...

  • Innovation: Observing how we interact with the world around us from a mindful perspective allows us to create new and/or easier ways of doing things - this is how the human species evolved from cavemen to our modern technological society! No longer do we need to dig a hole in the ground to poop! We can poop in the comfort of a plumbed toilet, sometimes heated and with personalisation options. As our consciousness expands so too does our innovation, and we move from geographically selfish and destructive industrialism, to constructive sustainable innovation that benefits the whole world.

If we can stay mindful at all times, then we can use our awareness as a superpower and begin to create positive change in our lives which will have a ripple effect on the world around us that cannot even begin to be measured.

Change starts with you - and that's how YOU change the world.

Thanks for reading.

Amanda Sears

The Inspired Guide


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